Gender-based Violence 2021


(January to December 2021)

On this page, we present our analysis of selected categories of gender-based violence.

    • For the period January to December 2021, domestic violence reports declined.
    • Cases for which police made an arrest or placed the matter under investigation also declined.
    • The number of reports made for ‘future reference‘ increased.
    • The Belize Police Department furthermore recorded substantial declines in sexual violence in the major crimes category.
    • The number of murders of female victims remained the same as the previous year.

Number of Police-registered cases of gender-based violence in selected categories, as of 31 December 2021.

Domestic Violence
Unlawful Sexual Intercourse
Females Murdered

Note: Belize does not have a legal classification framework for femicides. The summary above lists the total number of all females murdered during the reporting period.

Change relative to previous year

(Hover over chart bars for details.)

Note: Not all domestic violence reports result in cases being lodged. There are several cases for which complainants decline to take court action.


There was a 2% decline in the number of domestic violence reports documented by the Belize Police Department for the period January to December 2021 relative to the same period in 2020. Reports declined from 2,419 to 2,362. The number of cases lodged declined 13%, from 885 during January to December 2020 to 773 during January to December 2021.

Total Reports documented by Police

Total Cases opened

Total Reports for ‘future reference’ only


Domestic Violence Reports by Sex of Complainant: about 8 in every 10 are females

Domestic Violence Reports per Month (2020-2021)

Domestic Violence Reports per Month (2016-2021)

Official data courtesy the Belize Police Department, through the Joint Intelligence Coordinating Centre.

16 Ways to Advocate Against GBV

1) Listen to survivors – Believe them because it is hard to finally speak about the violence they experience.

2) ) Utilize tools to share what services are available or report when these are not given or inadequate. Tools include the GBV Referral Pathway that has information on services countrywide. Make reports through the GBV Complaint Mechanisms when these services are inadequate.

3) Take a stand #WithHer. Participate in activities yearlong.

4) Support women’s organizations who urgently need funding either through volunteering, expertise or support the creation of awareness campaigns to eliminate harmful practices that restrict women and girls.