About Us


Our Mission

The Belize Crime Observatory is established for the collection, processing, analysis and storage of crime data, with a view of providing timely, reliable, and relevant information to its users.

Our Functions

The primary aim of the Belize Crime Observatory is to foster the development of public policies that address public safety and national security issues through the collection, analysis and dissemination of quality, timely and multidimensional data on crime and violence trends in the country. The BCO is an official point of reference at the national, regional and international level for comprehensive, relevant, and accurate data on crime and violence in Belize, including statistical and analytical information, as well as, primary and secondary research.


A central hub in which crime data is stored and managed.

The BCO will serve as Belize’s national repository for the secure storage of comprehensive, multi-dimensional data relating to crime. Data stored by the Observatory is collected from relevant sources and processed to ensure it is fit for the creation of statistical analysis and outputs for a wide range of stakeholders.

Central Repository

    • Collecting
    • Processing
    • Storing


    • Analysing
    • Visualizing


    • Publishing
    • Influencing
    • Engaging

Our History

How the Belize Crime Observatory got started:


Belize Crime Observatory Launched

Belize Crime Observatory Launched

On 25 October 2016, the Government of Belize — through the Ministry of Home Affairs — officially launched the Belize Crime Observatory as part of the InfoSegura Project. The Crime Observatory is an information management system which aims to strengthen analysis of crime and violence data in order to improve public security in the region.


Ministry of National Security was also awarded additional Funding

Ministry of National Security was also awarded additional Funding

($107,000.00 2015 and 2016) through the Evidence Based Information Management for Citizen Security Project (InfoSegura Project), which began as a three-year regional project (2015-2017) aimed at providing support for the strengthening of evidence-based policy decision-making in Central America. The InfoSegura project is funded by USAID and is executed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with shared responsibility for implementation by the National Security Council Secretariat and the Ministry of Human Development.


Technical Cooperation Agreement for the establishment of a Crime Observatory in Belize was approved by the Inter-American Development Bank

Technical Cooperation Agreement for the establishment of a Crime Observatory in Belize was approved by the Inter-American Development Bank

In August 2014, a Technical Cooperation Agreement for the establishment of a Crime Observatory in Belize was approved by the Inter-American Development Bank, and as such, the then Ministry of National Security was awarded US$100,000 to further develop the BCO.


Agreement to have BCO under the National Intelligence Framework

Agreement to have BCO under the National Intelligence Framework

In May 2013, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of National Security, with the support of the National Security Council (NSC) agreed to have the Belize Crime Observatory included as part of the larger expanding National Intelligence Framework of the Ministry of National Security; specifically, the BCO would be integrated as a support agency which would provide added value to the Joint Operations & Intelligence Center (JIOC).