Belize Crime Observatory
Informing | Interpreting | Influencing
The Ministry of National Security convened the National Citizen Security Summit on Wednesday, 18 July 2018, at the Belize City Civic Centre. It reached out to all stakeholders across Belize in order to formulate new ways or suggested solutions to address citizen security issues, especially for Region 1 in Belize City. Earlier this year, the Ministry began intense consultations with the private sector, unions, the churches and other stakeholders, and has since moved to bring all parties together for a national summit to combat crime in Belize. A sub-group is due to meet in August to move the process forward.
Summit objectives:
(1) To let the remaining stakeholders and other interest groups know what the Ministry of National Security is doing to address Citizens Security and more importantly, how they can partner with MNS in their efforts.
(2) To discuss new ways or suggested solutions to address citizens security issues especially for Region 1 in Belize City.

National Citizen Security Summit to be convened on July 18
BELMOPAN, Tuesday, 10 July 2018
The Belize Crime Observatory (BCO) has been providing support to the Ministry of National Security (MNS) for the upcoming Citizen Security Summit, due to be held 18 July 2018 at the Belize City Civic Center.
The Summit will provide a forum for stakeholders and other interest groups to examine existing national security policies, strategies, and plans, as well as to identify possible solutions to Belize’s unique law enforcement challenges. The participants will be tasked with identifying feasible, acceptable, and suitable solutions to improve citizen security. These solutions will be used to influence existing and future citizen security policies and plans for Belize.

The Crime Control Council’s motto states that: “Crime is a Community Problem and requires a Community Solution,” and it is with this in mind that the Ministry of National Security invites the participation of all segments of civil society, including the corporate sectors, who are desirous of engaging in meaningful discussion in effecting solutions to the current social problems of violence, crime and social disorder.
All relevant documents can be accessed in the BCO’s repository HERE or below:
Stakeholder Consultation with Public Service Union on Citizens Security
1 file(s) 489.31 KBStakeholder Consultation with San Pedro Town Council on Citizens Security
1 file(s) 441.16 KB