
Major Crimes 2023

Major Crimes 2023

Domestic Violence 2023

Domestic Violence 2023

During January to December 2023, the Belize Police Department recorded 1,087 major crimes. This includes the six categories on major crimes: Murder (87), Rape (34), Robbery (170), Burglary (628), Theft (118) and Unlawful Sexual Intercourse (50).

During January to December 2023, Domestic Violence reports increased by 5% in comparison to the same period in 2022. This represents a total of 137 more cases. Domestic Violence reports increased by 7% in October 2023 and by 5% in November 2023 relative to the same period in 2022. However, Domestic Violence reports reflected a decrease of 5% in December 2023 relative to December 2022.

Analysis of the State of Homicide: Murder (January to December 2023)

Murders One Pager 2023

Suicide: Facts and Figures (As of August 2023)

Suicide infographic 2023

Approximately 7 murders per month occurred during this time period. The months with the greatest number of murder victims in 2023 were April and July, with 11 victims each.

Approximately 36 persons die by suicide each year. 8 in 10 suicides are among males.

Belize Fast Facts: Drowning Incidents

Drowning statistics-2019-2022

Road Traffic Accidents


During 2019 to 2022 drowning peaked in April with 13 deaths, followed by October with 11 deaths.

The Cayo District recorded the highest number of Road Traffic Incidents from 2019 to 2021.

Major Crimes 2022

Major Crimes Report

Major Crimes Incidents increases by 17.2%. From January to December of 2022, there was an increase of 17.2% in crimes recorded compared to 2021. That is a total of 152 more crimes records in comparison to 2021 (January to December).

Domestic Violence Report 2022

Domestic Violence Cases increased by 42.2%. From January to December of 2022, there was an increase of 42.2% in the amount of Domestic Violence Cases compared to the same time period of 2021. That is a total of 326 more cases in comparison to 2021 (January to December).