Monthly Analysis

Major Crime Analysis for December 2020

The year 2020 saw a monumental decline in major crimes cases registered by the Belize Police Department. A total of 888 major crimes cases were registered, compared to 1,264 during 2019. This decline of 376 cases amounted to 29.75%.  Overall, declines were recorded nationally for all categories of crimes, with...


Major Crime Analysis for November 2020

The overall decline in major crimes of 30% represents a marked improvement from the 8% decline registered for January to November 2019. This was attributable to special measures to limit mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to targeted police interventions to counter gang-related violence. Nationally, the murder count has declined...


Major Crime Analysis for October 2020

Whereas major crimes had declined overall for the period January to October 2020, there were some locations where increases were recorded in specific categories of major crimes. Toledo is the most notable case. It was the only district to have recorded an overall increase in major crimes, particularly due to...


Major Crime Analysis for September 2020

The prison population grew about 14% by the end of September 2020, compared with one year prior. An increase in incarcerated migrants contributed to the rise, in addition to incarceration related to COVID-19 and gang-related State of Emergency measures. The proportion of inmates held in pretrial detention remained virtually unchanged,...


Major Crime Analysis for July 2020

All categories of major crimes registered an overall decrease for the period January to July 2020. Although the greatest decline was recorded for robberies, the past two months (June to July), have registered a substantial increase in robberies. Overall, sexual violence declined, but females continue to comprise at least...


Major Crime Analysis for June 2020

For January to June 2020, major crimes declined by 24% and murders declined by 23% when compared to the same period in 2019. At mid-year 2020, declines were reported for all categories of major crimes except theft. With the relaxation of special measures to combat COVID-19, robberies became an increasing concern....


Major Crime Analysis for May 2020

During the month of May 2020, police-recorded major crimes declined 57% over May 2019, from 96 to 41. This marked the second consecutive decline relative to 2019, corresponding with restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic and ramped-up policing. (Read embedded PDF below or click the blue download button to save...